The masses of parenting advice out there leave modern parents slugging along under the weight of a million “shoulds” — and their close companion, guilt. But let go of that for a minute. You love your child(ren) desperately. Now take that minute of letting go and spend it just enjoying your child(ren). We advocate playful […]
Big change: Tips for guiding neurodivergent children through major school transitions
Every year means adjusting from school to breaks and back again — but some years bring BIG CHANGE. You know those milestones: switching from home or daycare to preschool, from preschool to kindergarten, from elementary to middle school, and so on. It could even be transitions brought on by a move or transfer. While change […]
Kids fighting this summer? 6 strategies to help
By this point in the summer, you’ve probably got a sixth sense for it: the poking, bickering or screeching that means another sibling spat is erupting. Summer, with more together time and a routine that often gets tossed out the window, brings sweet memories as well as plenty of opportunities for conflict. Before you start […]
Should I seek an ADHD evaluation for my child? 5 questions to help
One million more U.S. children had received an ADHD diagnosis in 2022 compared with 2016, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 1 in 9 children between the ages of 3 and 17 have received the diagnosis, prompting the report to label ADHD as “an ongoing and expanding […]
Let’s get serious about play
We typically keep things pretty light and breezy here. But give us a moment on our soapbox to discuss something near and dear to our hearts: play. June 11 marked the first-ever International Day of Play, an annual event established by the United Nations. We celebrated all of June with daily #monthofplay ideas on Instagram […]
A treasure trove of #monthofplay ideas
We spent the month of June sharing play ideas on social media in celebration of the International Day of Play, but we wanted to gather some of those ideas in one place as a tool for families. Each family is different; scan through these and see which activities might work for yours. These ideas typically […]
5 Life-Changing Habits To Transform Your Mental Health
As the saying goes, “If you keep a habit, sooner or later it can feel like a part of you.” For parents — especially those supporting their children through distinct challenges — self-care is vital to maintaining the health of the family. Fortunately, you can transform your mental health with 5 surprisingly simple habits. Start small, […]
14 Unexpected Ways to Boost Your Mental Health Now
Practicing good mental health doesn’t always mean a lengthy list of “shoulds” and “should nots.” You can boost your mental health right now through activities you want to do. Here are 14 research-backed ways to boost mental health (for adults or kids) that may surprise you: Have fun playfully boosting your spirits! We wish you […]
Xboxes and PlayStations: The World Through The Lens Of Neurodivergence
“Think of it like comparing an Xbox and a PlayStation,” neurodiversity advocate Ethan Lisi says in a TED Talk. “They’re both highly capable consoles with different programming. But if you put your Xbox game in a PlayStation, it won’t work, because the PlayStation communicates differently.” Sometimes, the world can feel like that to a neurodivergent […]
An Open Letter to Parents of Children with Autism
Dear Parents, Raising any child today means so many battle fronts — with external risks, internal worries, and often a heavy side of guilt. And when a child is on the autism spectrum, unique challenges, myths and misunderstandings can make the load heavier. But we want to reassure you: You are a great parent. All […]
Telehealth: A Powerful Ally To Diagnose, Treat Child Neurological Conditions
About 1 in 36 children has autism spectrum disorder, according to the latest CDC estimates. And the prevalence of a broad range of other neurological conditions in children continues to climb, other research shows. That makes today’s delays in diagnoses and treatment particularly troubling. Not only is the need increasing amidst a health care labor […]